The world must know 2022

This report is the sequel to The world must know: The persecution of minority communities in South Africa report. The report was published by AfriForum in 2020 as part of an international liaison tour to the US to raise awareness about matters such as farm attacks, hate speech against minorities, the romanticisation of violence against minorities and South Africa’s many racially discriminatory laws. The new 2022 The world must know: The continued persecution of minority communities in South Africa since 2020 report seeks to document new legislation, incidents and policies that relate to the theme of the persecution of minority communities in South Africa and that have been implemented or proposed, or have occurred since the release of the first report in 2020. The report also provides updates on many of the policies, laws and incidents that were documented in the previous report.

Sections in the report include:

  • Racially discriminatory laws in times of Covid and beyond
  • Expropriation without compensation: Amendment of the Constitution and introduction of the 2020 Expropriation Bill
  • Riots, unrest and looting during July 2021
  • Senekal and the “Kill the Boer” trial of Julius Malema/EFF
  • Targeting minority heritage
  • Continued decline of Afrikaans language rights and education

This 2022 report provides a useful and comprehensive summary of the important developments regarding the above themes and incidents, with source references to substantiate each documentation. It is an ideal source for anyone who write about or comment on South African politics, in particular minority communities, as well as for those who research or report on this subject matter.

The world must know 2022

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  1. This calls for unity amongst us who symphathize and support the course, i myself too, fall under the minority category, my ancestors originate from the indegenous ethnic group called the Mapulane though populated by the Tsonga ethnic group presently, they were well represented during the Bantu Stan of Lebowa, they too are marginalized in Mpumalanga and here in the country, imagine a places like Thabakgolo in the region of Bushbuckridge, still doesnt, have basic service delivery needs ,after 94, we presently are not officially recognized in the Union Building, and this is why, i too support institutions like AfriForum, even though i am victimized financially by these thugs in power, however with the little that i have i wont give in, and i still Thank you for enlightening us, in these times propaganda AfriForum,
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